Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2 Weeks and not sure what to make!

Adia's 2nd birthday is officially 2 weeks from today. My little girl is turning 2 and it has been a tremendous learning experience for all of us. I've learned that as her mother I have to trust my instinct and not solely rely on what everyone tells me or advise me to do. The funny thing is that when Adia was only a few days old, she was turning yellow/orange. It kept bugging me. Didn't worry too much since we were taking her to the doctor for her 2/3 day check up. Brought up our concerns. The doctor told us since she is part Asian she will have some yellow tinge to her. The main fact was my baby girl was turning into a human carrot. Yet, the doctor felt that since she is part Asian she is ok. Left the doctor's office and yet, that nagging feeling kept at me.

Called the advice nurse, set up another appointment with another doctor. Went in and from just looking at Adia, the new doctor said she looks like she has jaundice. A simple test on the forehead and it showed that her bilirubin levels were at 20. If it was at 21 Adia would have been hospitalized with possible brain damage. That day, I look at my daughter and knew how much stronger she is then me. I did not cry, I was not sad at all. I was just so angry at the first doctor. I wanted so much to smack that woman in the head and ask her if she forgot how to be a doctor and if she forgot her Hippocratic oath.

At that point, I knew my daughter was going to be ok. All 5 pounds and 7 ounces of her. Of course she was going to look like a human Lite Bright for a week or so but she was going to be ok.
Adia-a few hours old-8/27/08

Now, my daughter is healthy, happy, almost 2 year old. She does not like a lot of sweets. Enjoy tofu, vegetables, fruits, and books. Trying to figure out what to make her is difficult. But at this point, I am just going to make something I know she might like. Or bits of it. It is funny being a parent. You just have to figure out everything one at a time. Funny thing about baking and parenting. You just have to put in just the right amount of ingredients into what you are making or it won't come out right. With parenting, if you give into what they want, they become this spoil person. If you hold back, they don't grow up knowing what love is. You just have to love them regardless, show them love, and hold back when you need to. I love my daughter and already, we are baking together.
Rolling out dough

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