It is my official down time. With November and December being my major baking time I am finally getting some so called rest. With at least a dozen or so Ninja Boxes being created and being shipped it has been a very busy two months for me. Between working, running after my 2 year old, cleaning, cleaning, baking, baking, creating new recipes, it has worn me down to the bone if not my bone marrows. Now, my brain is already churning it's recipe ideas. I am physically not ready for it but it is obvious my brain is. Anything from peanut butter to Nutella and crazy spice mixtures to put with some flour, butter, and eggs. What can I create one side of my brain wonders and the other side is how about this?!?! I am just thinking stop for a moment and let me rest. Then again, I don't really rest.
This clumsy ninja baker is thinking what I can do with all these ideas other then the obvious. I have a list of favorites and so many of my followers have their favorites. I am now trying to figure out what other favorites I can create now.
With next holiday coming in 10 months, I better have my new recipes tested and ready to go. This year however will involve invoices and charges everyone. Sorry about that folks but the ninja bakery will have to come up with the funds one way or another.